Sunday, April 10, 2011

Get off My Back, Brutes.

Public Diplomacy in the United States does a good job of slandering the Chinese negligence of human rights. And for good reason. The Chinese have numerous problems preventing Western Europe and North America from taking them seriously when China claims to take steps to address concerns. 

But what about the greatest purveyor of violence in the world? The United States? 

How can the United States via Hillary Clinton disparage China when we have atrocities occurring in our own backyard (and in a country near you!). It's hypocritical. It's outrageous. Although China is right to call out the US on this non-sensical behavior, it doesn't excuse their complicity with human rights violations. Two wrongs don't make a right. 

Most Americans, I presume, influenced by media and our government's diplomacy messaging, only see things from an American ethnocentric mentality. But, the rest of the world and your smarter than average American knows better. Check the Rolling Stone article this week on the Kill Team. Or trying children as adults. Or waterbording/other torture. Or executing retards. Or.....etc. etc...

Although we may stand above China in regards to human rights, we're certainly no archetype of altruism and the phony schadenfreude is growing stale. 

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